If I asked you if you wanted the apple or the apple tree, would that be a tough decision? If I offered you a fish or a lake full of fish… which is more valuable?

In these examples, the apple and the fish are depreciating assets, meaning they lose value every second that ticks by. Eventually, they will reach no value if not consumed or traded away. This value collapse is the same trajectory all inflationary (depreciating) assets have. It’s an exponential growth function, also known as a hockey stick curve, because it eventually shoots straight up, losing all value.

Appreciating Asset

Depreciating Asset

But the apple tree and the lake are Appreciating Assets because, at the very least, they retain their value. As these Appreciating Assets (Apple Tree and Lake full of fish) are stewarded properly for the Glory of God, they will become more productive and abundant systems.

But the problem is that Appreciating Assets are not good for encouraging trading or working together. They are real, tangible, usually pretty large, and not easily fractionalized, meaning they are difficult to trade. Do you want to trade a lake for a breakfast sandwich or sell a productive orchard for a pack of pencils? These Appreciating Assets are not considered liquid, and therefore, they are not good as a medium of energy exchange.

Even if trading Appreciating Assets were easy, why would you want to part with something that will be more valuable tomorrow than it is today? This is where the beauty of Depreciating Assets comes in. If I have 100 fish that will all spoil in a few weeks, it motivates me to either trade or share them with my community. It’s like a game of hot potato; you want to trade it as soon as possible when it’s at its peak value.

The Depreciating Assets (apples) are the derivative of the Appreciating Asset (mature apple trees). If you keep and properly steward the Apple Tree (Appreciating Asset), you will have Apples (Depreciating Assets) continually made and encouraging us to trade or give to our community. All true innovation does nothing but mimic the Truth of God and His Creation. Stewardship Trust and Share Trust is the combination of both the lake and the fish. It is the Apple Tree and the Apples. Stewardship Trust takes the greatest of all Appreciating Assets (Land) and Stewards it for the Glory of God so it increases in value, and then combines that with Share Trust that has Share Credits tied to the Depreciating Value of the USD, which encourages and incentives Trust members to share. 100% of Value Gain on the Land, with 100% Liquidity and Incentivized Sharing. The absolute best of both Appreciating Assets and Depreciating Assets simultaneously without any of either downside. The closer we get to the perfect principles of God’s Creation, the more blessings we will receive.

And this isn’t some theoretical pie in the sky. This is here and now.

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